2024. A. Mantziou, S. Lunagómez, R. Mitra. Bayesian Model-based Clustering for Multiple Network Data. The Annals of Applied Statistics. 18 (1), 266-302, (March 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AOAS1789.
2023. K. Turnbull, S. Lunagómez, C. Nemeth and E.M. Airoldi. Latent Space Representations of Hypergraphs. Journal of the American Statistical Association (published online) https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2023.2270750.
2021. S. Lunagómez, S. C. Olhede and P. J. Wolfe. Modeling Network Populations via Graph Distances. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Vol. 116, No. 536, 2023-2040.
2017. S. Lunagómez, S. Mukherjee, R.L. Wolpert, E.M. Airoldi. Geometric Representations of Random Hypergraphs. Journal of the American Statistical Association. Vol. 112, No. 517, 363-383.
2009. M.J. Bayarri, J.O. Berger, E.S. Calder, K. Dalbey, S. Lunagómez, A.K. Patra, E.B. Pitman, E.T. Spiller, R.L. Wolpert. Using Statistical and Computer Models to Quantify Volcanic Hazards. Technometrics, Vol. 51 - Issue 4.
Selected Publications

Submitted / In Progress
- Richard Feynman -
“We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress.”

On arXiv
K. Turnbull, S. Lunagómez, C. Nemeth and E.M. Airoldi. Latent Space Representations of Hypergraphs. arXiv:1909.00472.
S. Lunagómez, Sofia C. Olhede and Patrick J. Wolfe. Modeling Network Populations via Graph Distances.
arXiv:1904.07367. -
S. Lunagómez, M. Papamichalis, Patrick J. Wolfe and E. M. Airoldi. Evaluating and Optimizing Network Sampling Designs: Decision Theory and Information Theory Perspectives. arXiv:1811.07829v4
S. Lunagómez and E. M. Airoldi. Valid Inference from Non-Ignorable Network Sampling Designs. arXiv:1401.4718v2.
K. Turnbull, S. Lunagómez, C. Nemeth and E.M. Airoldi. Latent Space Representations of Hypergraphs. arXiv:1909.00472.
G. Bolt, S. Lunagómez and C. Nemeth. Modelling Populations of Interaction Networks via Distance Metrics. arXiv:2206.09995.
G. Bolt, S. Lunagómez and C. Nemeth. Distances for Comparing Multisets and Sequences. arXiv:2206.08858
A. Mantziou, R. Mitra, S. Lunagómez. Bayesian modelling and computation utilising cycles in multiple network data. arXiv:2111.07840.